Staying healthy ~ Mind and Body
by Heidi Wirtz, Professional Climber
Hi beautiful friends!
As we move forward in these unclear and uncertain times the amount of stress, anxiety, and even panic that many of us are experiencing is also rising. This is completely natural as our normal lives have been disrupted. I have created some simple ways to help cope during these uneasy times. Hope they help!
We are not alone!
First off it is important to realize that the entire world is also going through the very same experience that we are witnessing in our own lives. As you may or may not be aware, we as humans are all connected. When there is a collective anxiety and fear rising within this many people the ripples (or waves in the case) can actually be felt by us (especially if you are sensitive), though it is not actually our own anxiety. This is not to discount what you are going through at this time but rather to assure you that some of your anxiety is likely coming from outside of your own being and out of your control. We only have control over our own experience and unfortunately cannot likely do much to control the collective anxiety, except by not adding to it. This being said it is imperative that we pay attention to these feelings and try not to cling onto them. We should try and notice the feelings and let them then pass on..somewhat like we do when we watch movie credits on a screen. We see them roll by and don’t get attached but rather just watch them keep rolling by. It is a practice, so just try to notice and breath it out. This is a great time to focus on yourself, engage in self-care practices and remember to breath!

Don't forget!!
- Breathing: deep, relaxed, belly breaths is really helpful. There is a lot of research that shows that one of these breaths will very quickly switch our nervous system out of the flight or fight response. This type of breathing is nearly impossible to do when you're in the midst of a high anxiety event, so I recommend practicing when you're not in that state. The more of a habit it is, the easier it is to access when you need it. 5-10 deep breaths whenever you think of it.
- Get off social media and turn off the news. It is best to find a balance between being informed vs being inundated. I am writing this also as a reminder to myself.
- Get Outside! This is actually my #1 in terms of self-care and anti-stress. Nature is definitely something that we all need! Thus, it is super important to get outside during this time! Recent research has found what nature-lovers have long expected: spending time in a green space, such as a park, provides benefits for one’s mental and physical health. Exercising in a park, instead of inside a gym or your house, has shown to provide mental health benefits as a greater sense of well-being. Walking for 20 minutes in a green space has been proven to help children with ADHD improve their concentration, even working as well, or better, than medication. People who live in more natural settings have better overall health, even when research has taken into account economic differences. Anyway, we all know that getting outside makes us feel better!! So, get out every day if possible!
- Get plenty of sleep. We might notice that we are more tired lately. This is from the stress that is likely plaguing us. I am feeling it for sure. It is super important to listen to this and get the sleep that your body wants and needs right now. No need to get behind on sleep and stress your system more than necessary.
- Meditate and do yoga. This is a great time to start or enhance your practice. One of the best ways to ease stress and anxiety is to practice yogaand meditation,
Free Yoga!!!
I created a series of yoga videos with Climbing Magazine a while back and we are currently offering the course for free. Click on the link below to access:
Yoga for Climbers : Code BEWELL will get you free access for one month and the code expires 5/15
Some great options for meditation.:
Tara Brach - She is amazing and has both mindfulness talks as well as guided meditations.
Insight Timer - They have a timer, guided meditation as well as courses.
Upcoming Adventures...
3 Days - All Skill Levels:
- Rock Climbing
- Yoga
- Thai Massage
Explore, expand and grow as we play in and around Moab, Utah - home of world-class adventuring and breathtaking scenery - and connect with other like-minded people.
4 Days - All Skill Levels:
- Rock Climbing
- Yoga
- Thai Massage
- Surfing
This trip is all about taking the concept of adventure and play to a whole new level in a tropical paradise! We'll be exploring the wonders of the outdoors as we embark on climbing trips, surf adventures and play on slacklines set up on the beach and over the water.
8 Days (Basic Climbing Skills Needed):
- Rock Climbing
- Daily Yoga
- Dancing
- Culture
This trip is a chance to be taken care of in an exotic and unique cultural landscape: experience the culture of Cuba, connect with like-minded individuals, explore the limestone climbing of Vinyales, connect to nature and with yourself, breath, eat amazing food, push yourself, explore and recharge.
7 Days (Basic Climbing Skills Needed):
- Rock Climbing
- Daily Yoga
- Meditation
- Thai Massage
- Culture
This trip is a chance to connect to nature, breath fresh air, eat amazing food, push yourself (if you like), explore and recharge. We will be working on skills throughout this adventure to improve your climbing, become more grounded and just be a happier human.